Beatrice Moricci


BEATRICE MORICCI : “Creativity is the possibility to match together with things that have never been matched before to create something new. It takes risks, audacity, imagination.”

by Eric-René Penoy

What move you in this adventure?: I found a balance between working with photography (that I discovered to be my means of communication in 2010) and be independent, free, doing a job that let me manage my daily time and passion for traveling. In my life, I need passion and independence to be happy and most of the time they are not concepts that match together.

What kind of jobs did you have before your career took off?: I worked for a bit with my family in their wool factory, then one year in an import-export office in Florence, then I studied Design at the university and I used to work in an office of interior design for Prada then turn into handcraft design. I used to design and handmade object with reuse objects and sell them in the exhibition all around Italy Then I discovered photography :)

What is your personal life has influenced you to choose your career?: My parents and grandparents are entrepreneurs and have created and have had their own business for years. I think it is a state of mind for me, work and life have always been one only thing in my family. I grow up in a small village in the countryside but I was very open and curious about the world despite my parent’s view, this is why I grow up introvert and dreaming of a parallel world. Photography is a great means to obtain from the reality of your own world.

What is creativity to you? Do you consider yourself to be creative? Why or why not?: Creativity is the possibility to match together with things that have never been matched before to create something new. It takes risks, audacity, imagination. I think everyone can be creative. I consider myself to be creative depending on my emotional moments in life.

Do you believe in destiny?: I believe in destiny but I also believe that we can try to bring life where we want otherwise destiny is used as an excuse and I love to dream and try to bring my dreams out of the night. Destiny is what happens during you are walking on the path you choose to walk into.

"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?”

Do you think that you would be able to teach what you do?: I am trying to, I've been asked to teach in some workshop. It is not easy because it requires a lot of self-analysis, a deep sense of honesty, hard work, empathy, and good communication. I think teaching photography is more difficult than taking photographs because I deeply believe that "Photography is an immediate action, drawing an act of meditation” H.C.B

What do you intend to achieve through your work?: I don't really love the world as it is. Through photography, I would love to design mine, as Alice in Wonderland says at the beginning of the romance "If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?”

What is your typical day like?: I wake up some hour in the morning, depending on what I did at night, I let the light enter my apartment, I have my tea and biscuits, I reconnect with the world, on my computer and start working on a thing or another one. I lose myself a lot during the day, I don't have good self-discipline. Sometimes I go downstairs and have a walk in the second-hand market, or go buying some fruit and vegetables, or just walk then come back home, a call with friends, work, eat, read. Two days a week I go to a yoga class. Sometimes I stop working and go out for an aperitif with a friend or family. Luckily, I don't have the very same routine each day but I suffer a lot sitting in front of a computer, maybe this is why I change my daily routine a lot.

Who would you like to read from? Can you also help me to get in touch with this person?: Giuseppe Marano - yes

What would be your question to this person?: Which are his obsessions in photography.



Copyright : Lisa Jane.




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Sed purus sem, scelerisque ac rhoncus eget, porttitor nec odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
— Hope K.



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