Marek Sybal

MAREK SYBAL: “Plans for the future... Just to keep doing what I'm doing, getting better at what I'm doing”

by Eric-René Penoy

What are your favorite songs you play in your car/at work/bathroom/kitchen right now? : Discover weekly, Nirvana, Juníus Meyvant, weird german music, weird Spanish and Russian music.

Who are you? Describe yourself in a few words.: I'm a sarcastic loner who loves to talk about his personality. Sarcasm. There. I'm a writer who hasn't written anything in almost ten years. I love to take photos. I thought I wasn't afraid of dying until I almost died. Therefore I'd love to continue living.

Any plans for the future you would like to talk about ?: Does quit smoking count? I'd love to write a book one day while traveling the way I used to when I was younger. Plans for the future... Just to keep doing what I'm doing, getting better at what I'm doing, finding passions that ceased to be my passions but are very healthy nevertheless.

Where do you come from? Give us details: I'm from a small town in the Czech Republic, most of my childhood was spent working as a slave until I had enough strength to fight my father. I hate small towns. I guess I'm coming there again when my mother gets old. I might grow fond of it eventually.

Is it important to have the support of your loved ones, family, friends?: Not really. I'm kind of a lone wolf. Loved ones fucked me.

What are you the proudest of?: Despite my long-term goal to just survive, I'm doing what I really like and I'm not just surviving I can say I have a really nice life.

What kind of jobs did you have before your career took off?: I used to be a waiter and ski instructor, in the end, I was earning half of the year just to spend everything for the other half of the year, to travel with my camera and taste different drugs. I'm sorry, but I'm not.

If you could interview a creative person (past or present), who would that person be? Please explain your choice.: Maybe Jesus? There's still so much fuss about him and I still don't really know who was it.

I think that you get creative automatically when you find something you love doing.”

Do you think that creativity involves putting your heart and soul into your work?: I think that you get creative automatically when you find something you love doing. Of course, you can't really put your heart and soul into your work when killing chickens in a slaughterhouse. So these unlucky people are in my opinion really unlucky.

What is creativity to you? Do you consider yourself to be creative? Why or why not?: I consider myself really creative approximately three months in a year when I have my ups.

If you had the chance to live during a different artistic movement other than now, which one would you choose?It: Definitely not the future when I see where it's going. Probably 90's, the kitschy times in eastern Europe, it must have been amazing in its own way.

If you had to start over, would you choose a different path in your career?: I'd have started much sooner if I found the thing I love doing earlier. I'm lucky nevertheless some people never find it.

If you only had 24 hours to live, how would you spend your day?: Riding down the mountain on a bike or skis, only downhill. Then make love, then die.

What does it mean to get older for you?: Getting less naive.

How do you deal with creativity blocks?: I do the same work as I did in my brighter days, the mind remembers.

What is for you a good story?: A deep drama with a sad or weird unfinished ending. It makes me think.

What is your mission in this life?: To not reproduce my genes anywhere further. To live a life where there's more joy than suffering, although I don't think it's a choice.

Who would you like to read from (Can you put me in touch with this person?)?: @jana_buskova_videography

What would be your question to this person?: What was the turning point in your career when you decided to do things differently?

If you could ask yourself a question, what would it be?: When are you going to write the book?

And your answer would be ?: When some huge drama in my life comes again and I get over it. Might as well never happen.



DOB : 02/08/1990
Copyright : KATKA KONCAL



INSTAGRAM: /mareksybal/


Commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.
— Hope K.



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