Me and Georgia (Manos - Georgia Mathioudakis - Kontodimou)

ME AND GEORGIA The only one that needs to believe in you is yourself and only yourself. If you don't, no one else will.

What are your favorite songs you play in your car/at work/bathroom/kitchen right now? : Miles Davis' soundtrack of "ascenseur pour l'échafaud".

Who are you? Describe yourself in a few words.: We are a couple for eleven years now and we live in Crete, Greece. Almost 5 years ago we decided to abandon our studies and our work to try to focus on and make a living out of what made us really happy, which is photography. Although we had our ups and downs, we are still trying to follow this dream and not let go of it.

Any plans for the future you would like to talk about ?: Nothing specific (we know better now, after covid), but our goal for the future is to achieve a better balance between personal and wedding work and to manage free our minds, even more, when we are shooting weddings. We still think that we have to put more of our personal twist in our work and let go of certain standards. All in all, our future aim is to be better and happier in what we are doing.

Is it important to have the support of your loved ones, family, friends?: More than it should be, actually. We ended up doing this job with a background and at an age when people expected totally different things from us, so our decision was met with a lot of doubt and disbelief. This may trick someone into trying to prove others wrong, which is such a wrong and soul-sucking mindset. The only one that needs to believe in you is yourself and only yourself. If you don't, no one else will. I know this is a banal saying, but it's the truth. :)

If you could interview a creative person (past or present), who would that person be? Please explain your choice: Definitely Harry Callahan. He has been such an inspiration for us and we really wish we manage to incorporate his influences into our work. Although we wouldn't like to interview him as much as we would wish for a little photo stroll with him.

Do you think that creativity involves putting your heart and soul into your work?: We think that there is no other way.

What in your personal life has influenced you to choose your career?: The fact that we decided that we'd love to do something that is made by just the two of us.

How would you like to be remembered?: Nothing big, with just a smile.

If you had to start over, would you choose a different path in your career?: To be honest, we would so many things differently if we were to start over again. We have done many mistakes that kept us from evolving sooner or with less effort, but we are trying to acknowledge them and correct them.

What is the best advice that you have been given?: The one that we have not followed yet, which is that if you're not happy where you are, move.

Art is being human

Do you believe in destiny?: Nope. There is a certain amount of luck also needed, but you have to work and insist to get where you want.

What is your inspiration? How has personal experience influenced your creativity?: Our personal experiences are our creativity. One creates based on what one's been through, how one felt. You can be inspired, of course, but all that you see and admire goes through the filter that is whatever made you the person you are today.

How do you know when a piece or project is finished and needs no additional work?I: Not sure whether there is any technical or absolute way to decide that.

What does it mean to get older for you? I: Still in the process of conciliating with time and its passing. Not an easy thing to do, we are so jealous of the people who've made their peace with it.

Does your work convey a specific emotion or message?: We don't know, but we really wish it does something to the people that see our photos because this is our goal. The worst thing for us would be if someone were to characterize our work as indifferent.

Have you always wanted to do what you are doing?: To be honest, we didn't have the slightest idea that we would end up doing what we do right now.

How do you deal with creativity blocks?: Having lots of them, no idea how to get over them, any tips are welcome, thanks. :) :)

Do you have any regrets in life?: If we could turn back the time, we would have started doing what we are doing now earlier in life and we would have also built up way more skills by studying in a more relative sector.

Do you believe art is something you were born with or something you have to find in your daily life? and work for?: Art is being human, so I guess we are all born with it. What happens as we grow, however, is another matter (see educational systems, society, etc). Now, if you mean talent, yes, we believe that there are individuals that are more gifted than others, be it arts or science or whatever, but work and persistence are way more important.

How do you fight the comparison and discouragements?: Tips on that too, please! :)

Who would you like to read from (Can you put me in touch with this person?)?: Tomislav Marcijus

What would be your question to this person?: How does he balance his personal work with the wedding work. He is very successful in both. :)

If you could ask yourself a question, what would it be?: Are you where you would like to be? (multiple meanings)

And your answer would be?: Not yet, but we're trying our best.



DOB : 1983/1085



INSTAGRAM: /me.and.georgia/


Donec id justo non metus auctor commodo ut quis enim. Mauris fringilla dolor vel condimentum imperdiet.
— Claire C.



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Bernadeta Kupiec