Ricardo Catarro

RICARDO CATARRO: The fact that we can immortalize one of the most important days in the lives of two people through our vision, is indeed a privilege and an honor.

What are your favorite songs you play in your car/at work/bathroom/kitchen right now? : Liberation - Harold Van Lennep

Who are you? Describe yourself in a few words.: I am a father, a dreamer, a very ambitious person, with an immense love for this art.

Any plans for the future you would like to talk about ?: I want to strengthen my position more and more. And continue to internationalize my photography.

Where do you come from? Give us details: I was born in Almeirim, a small town near Lisbon. I lived for many years in a social neighborhood and I have a degree in management. The area that never fell in love with me. Photography appeared on this path and I know this is what I want to do forever.

What move you in this adventure/journey?: At my third marriage, I fell in love with this area in such a way that I dropped everything and went after my dream. The fact that we can immortalize one of the most important days in the lives of two people through our vision, is indeed a privilege and an honor. The fact that I can meet new places, different people, and work for myself and in my name is priceless.

What are you the proudest of?: From my kids.

What kind of jobs did you have before your career took off?: I was a financial manager and accountant.

If you had to start over, would you choose a different path in your career?: No. I am very happy with this job.

What is the best advice that you have been given?: Always try to be different from others. In times of crisis, only different ones will succeed.

What inspires you on a daily basis?: Leave the house. Pay attention to all the architecture, the light, the gestures of people.

What made you decide to follow a creative career choice (though possibly risky) rather than something more stable?: The fact that in this area 2 plus 2 is not 4. The result is always what we want.

I've been at it for 4 epochs. I still have a lot of love for this area and I know I can still grow a lot at all levels.

If you only had 24 hours to live, how would you spend your day?: playing with my kids.

Does your work convey a specific emotion or message?: I like my work to be complete. Using several styles of photographs in one day (landscape, architecture, street photography,...) and I always aim to make anyone who sees the gallery feel as if they were there.

After these years of working on your craft, do you still feel the joy to do what you do?: If you count, I've been at it for 4 epochs. I still have a lot of love for this area and I know I can still grow a lot at all levels.

Do you believe that each person has the capacity to be creative? Why?: I think we all have the ability to be creative.
Some more than others and each in its own area. Even if it is in the simple fact of unconsciously, we drink a little of each one and we create our own vision of each thing of each moment.

Is there a particular place where you feel most creative?: In every moment where I feel pressured, all my creativity reveals itself.

How would you like to be regarded or remembered?: I would like to be remembered as a great father, friend, and a good photographer.

Do your work and approach have changed?: From wedding to wedding, my work is always changing. Year after year, these changes are very visible. I'm not the same photographer I was last year or last month.

People usually have learned from their own mistakes, what was your biggest lesson?: That everyone is different and that everyone responds to a situation in their own way.
That the Holy Grail of life is knowing how to manage expectations.

Is it difficult to maintain your level of knowledge? What do you do to improve it?: I never forced my quality, I think it was always something that arrived in a normal way and respected the level of work and dedication.
To get better, the whole mindset has to be one of determination, work, and joy.

Who would you like to read from (Can you put me in touch with this person?)?: Lovati Photography - A couple of photographers

What would be your question to this person?: How many years have you photographed weddings?

If you could ask yourself a question, what would it be?: What is (was) your purpose in life?

And your answer would be ?: To be a father.



DOB : 09 - 07 - 1986



INSTAGRAM: /ricardocatarrophotography

WEBSITE: http://www.ricardocatarro.com

Quisque iaculis facilisis lacinia. Mauris euismod pellentesque tellus sit amet mollis.
— Hope K.



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